Our Team
Our commitment to providing you with exceptional treatment from the moment you walk in the door does not stop with our doctors, it’s with the help of our truly excellent team that we are able to treat each patient as a member of our family.
Practice Administrator: Ashley Winslow
Front Desk: Kathy Bounds, Ellen Johnson, Catherine Sapp, Diana Bussell, Faylynn Anderson, Sarah Dennis
Insurance Coordinators: Lauren Billings
Assistants: Jessica Blowe, Kirsten Carroll, Kaitlin Huhtala, Sydney Lane, Amanda Lopez, Janice Novack, Jadah Parker, Joyanna Rojas, Michelle Williams, and Melinda Utt
Hygienists: Beth Begley, Shelly Broadbent, Melissa Brock, Cindy Flowers, Trudy Forrester, Diane Grimes, Amy Lenk, and Emily Winn